APPA celebrates 50 Years of ‘runs on the board’

APPA celebrates 50 Years of ‘runs on the board’ as ‘the national voice’ for Australian primary principals.

During this year, as a key part of the APPA 50 Year Anniversary celebrations, we have re-connected with our valued APPA Life Members and past APPA Presidents.

Our final Life Member event was held in Adelaide on 29 October, at the Adelaide Oval.

Pictured – Life Members Robert Hoff AM, Grant Bock, Leonie Trimper, Ros Oates, Marilyn Gilbertson OAM, SA Minister for Education, Skills and Training – Hon Blair Boyer MP, APPA President Angela Falkenberg, Geoffrey Gapper and Stephen Portlock.

We also acknowledged Neil Mason, the first APPA President and former president, Brian Pocock, both sadly deceased, together with Erroll Robinson and Dave Edwards who were both unable to attend.

Pictured – Former APPA President, Leonie Trimper, APPA’s first female President, Marilyn Gilbertson OAM, and current APPA President, Angela Falkenberg.

It was wonderful to have SA Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Hon Blair Boyer MP attend the event, both to honour our SA APPA Life Members and also to congratulate APPA on all that has been achieved over 50 years.
