APPA Life Member
Congratulations Michael Nuttall – Awarded APPA Life Member 16.02.2021
Michael Nuttall has served APPA with distinction as a member of the National Executive Committee and as Executive Officer from 2010 to 2019.
Michael has embodied the ethos of APPA through work, word and action. His commitment to the APPA collective has contributed to the culture of the organisation. He has proven to be a thoughtful strategist who has contributed much towards moving the objects of the association forward over an extended period. Michael has contributed very significantly to the effective functioning of the organisation. In recent times he was an architect and leading proponent of APPA’s work on mental health issues in primary school aged children including contributing to the design of the national survey and structure of the working party.
APPA is pleased to have retained Michael’s services as parliamentary liaison where his wealth of experience and commitment to democratic process come to the fore.
Michael has contributed much to APPA through his dedicated work including the drafting of documentation, conference organisation, community liaison including corporate relationships, and his vast knowledge of education and the Australian Primary Principals Association.