A heartfelt thank you for 2020 from Teachers Health
As the only health fund exclusively for the education community, we’re proud of our close relationship with the APPA. Working together to support our members, the education community and their families is at the heart of what we do.
2020 was the toughest of years, but we’ve got your back
For the long days, late nights and unfailing dedication you’ve shown our children and families during a time like no other, we say thank you. From the heart. We know you regularly put the needs of others before your own. So that’s where we come in.
Teachers Health is focused on you, your health and wellbeing. And as a not-for-profit, you can count on us to put our members first.
Not a member yet? You’re welcome to join us
New to private health or switching from another fund, we can guide you through the process. Which not only gives you the reassurance of Hospital and Extras cover, but things like:
- Healthy Lifestyle benefits including gym membership (for eligible members)
- Our national eyecare and dental network with no-gap dental checks and discounts on optical
- Teachers Healthcare Services for extra support to do with hospital treatment, having a baby, and looking after your physical and mental health
To get you off on the right foot, you’ll even get 6 weeks’ free cover* when you join with Hospital & Extras by 31 January. Plus, you’ll skip the 2 & 6 month waits on Extras like general dental, optical and chiro*.
You can find out more on our website or by chatting to us on 1300 764 288.
* Eligibility criteria and conditions apply. See full terms and conditions. Teachers Federation Health Ltd ABN 86 097 030 414 trading as Teachers Health. A Registered Private Health Insurer.