Scholastic Australia
Helping Children Discover the Pleasure and Power of Reading
The School Photographer
For all your school photographic needs
Gold Partners
Silver Partners
Bronze Partners
Teachers Mutual Bank
A bank created by teachers for teachers.
Woods Furniture
Australia’s leading designer, manufacturer & supplier of high quality educational furniture since 1953
Moneysmart for teachers
Building financial capability of primary school students
Strategic Partners
ECA – Early Childhood Australia
Early Childhood Australia is an early childhood advocacy organisation in Australia, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood education and care field.
bts Spark
APPA has partnered with educational leadership coaches from bts Spark to offer a suite of coaching programs specially designed to develop your soft leadership skills, whether you are a new or established Principal, a Deputy or Assistant Principal, a team leader or an aspiring leader.
Empowering Young Philanthropists
Teachers Health
Created by teachers, for teachers over 60 years ago, today we’re Australia’s largest industry-based health fund.