NAPLAN Narratives – Effects of the “No-Show” NAPLAN

We ask that if you teach in a NAPLAN year level (Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 teachers) that you participate in this project titled NAPLAN Narratives – Effects of the “No-Show” NAPLAN 2020 which seeks to investigate the effect of the absence of NAPLAN testing in 2020 on staff and their work. Your participation in this research project will involve completing an online survey that will take approximately 15-20 minutes. No NAPLAN in 2020 gives a unique opportunity to gauge how teachers’ work in NAPLAN years and how schools planning may be affected. The results will contribute to ongoing research on the effects of NAPLAN testing on staff work, school planning as well as staff and student wellbeing.

Go to this link to find out more and to complete the survey