Submissions / Papers


Better and Fairer Education System (2023)

National Teacher Workforce Action Plan Response - APPA NAC (2023)

Lessons from COVID-19 for Australian Schools (2022)

The 2020/2021 pandemic resulted in an unprecedented and ongoing disruption to schools and learners and was a time of great challenge for our community at many levels. But with challenge comes the opportunity to refocus on areas needing attention.
This discussion paper focuses on changes which will provide opportunities to review and reimagine the future of education in this country.

Download Here


Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Check - (Dec 2017)

Please find below APPA’s Position Paper in response to the Government’s document ‘Quality Schools, Quality Outcomes.’


The Top Ten Essential Elements of Initial Teacher Education Courses - (Nov 2015)

APPA has developed the Teacher Education: Essential Elements document. This document states clearly the expectations principals have for teacher education courses.


The overcrowded primary curriculum: a way forward - (Dec 2014)

APPA believes that the development and implementation of the Australian Curriculum has led to substantial overcrowding in the curriculum for primary schools.

This paper addresses three questions:

  • to what extent is the curriculum overcrowded;
  • why did the overcrowding occur; and
  • what should be done to reduce overcrowding.



APPA Key Position Papers (2024)

In addition to evidence informed practice we argue for ‘practice informed evidence’. Our primary professionals have much to contribute about what works and where.

Download APPA’s Key Position Papers here:

1. Primary Resourcing

2. Principal Workload / Principal Wellbeing

3. Curriculum – Great Leading, Teaching and Learning in our Primary Schools

4. Supporting Students with Complex Needs

5. Combined Version

Review of the National School Reform Agreement (June 2022)

Productivity Commission – NSRA Review

The report is also available on the APPA website.

Adult Literacy and Its Importance (Mar 2021)

Adult Literacy 2021

The report is now available on the Committee’s website here.

Improving Occupational Mobility (Feb 2021)

Review of Regional Resourcing (Nov 2020)

Valuing the teaching profession - an independent inquiry - NSW (Nov 2020)

Disability Standards Review (Sept 2020)

APPA Pre Budget Submission (August 2020)

APPA seeks commitment via Education Council to sustained, multi-year approaches to school resourcing aimed at providing stability and continuity in Australian schools.

2020 APPA Pre Budget Submission August 2020_

Review of the loading for students with disability (Sept 2019)

The Inquiry is taking place in the context of schools experiencing an increasing number of students with disability and other challenging learning needs. It is well documented that, with a higher incidence of children with serious medical conditions in the population at large, there is a greater likelihood of these children being in primary classrooms than twenty years ago.


Review of the Melbourne Declaration (June 2019)

In order to submit this feedback, APPA surveyed members of its 27-member National Advisory Council.

Their key suggestions are:

i. The Declaration speaks to teachers and be relevant to their work;
ii. Student voice is present and student agency fostered;
iii. The Declaration’s goals are sufficiently resourced; and,
iv. The Declaration has a clear raison d’etre and be fit for purpose.


APPA Teacher Registration Review Submission 2018 (May 2019)

National Review of Teacher Registration.

A link to the National Review information can be found via the link to the aitsl site below.